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White paper - Xenium in situ analysis and reproducibility study of multiple carcinomas via an end-to-end spatial multi-omics platform.
This white paper is an independent study conducted in collaboration with BioChain Institute Inc. examining the reproducibility of the Xenium spatial transcriptomics platform from 10X Genomics.
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Toward Omics-Scale Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Lipids in Brain Tissue Using a Multiclass Internal Standard Mixture
This paper demonstrates an approach for conducting quantitative mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) of lipids directly from brain tissue sections. This greatly expands the utility of MSI for spatial lipidomics.
mass spectrometry imaging
central nervous system
Exploratory Analyses

Classification of cirrhotic patient samples based on imaging MS of multiplexed N-glycan markers in biofluids.
This poster is an example of how Aspect Analytics can be your partner to develop specialized bioinformatic and data analysis workflows for your specific use-case or application.
Pathway Analyses
Targeted Analyses